The Short, Slightly Sarcastic Answer to (At Least Eleven) Things You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Selling Yourself. Featuring: A Strong Opinion.

IN: Selling

Q: Should I give away free consults? A: Are you running a business or a charity? EEEEEEEEEEET. Time’s up. The correct answer is  Ding, ding, ding. And businesses are for profit. Key words: For profit. Respect your own time and prospects will, too. I guarantee the people you lo up to aren’t running around giving away free consults.   Q: Why does everyone price things ending in a 9? Do I need to do this? People aren’t stupid. We all


Just The Tip: On Stutter-Free Sales Pitches.

IN: Clients, Selling

You know when… …you hear somebody speak who’s obviously nervous and they’re talking a million miles a minute and you kind of wonder if they’re even breathing and you sort of kind of feel bad for them because you can tell how nervous they are so now you sort of feel nervous FOR them—and you really hope they seriously don’t faint, vomit or do that thing where they blank, cry and go running off the stage? Kind of awkward, right? Kind of distracts from


A Lot of People Don’t Like Selling Because It Makes Them Feel Like Assholes

IN: Selling

A lot of people don’t like selling, because it makes them feel like assholes. Seriously, who wants to be the pitbull with the perfume, attacking women and children as they innocently stroll through the Bon-Ton? Certainly not me. And probably not you, either, unless you happen to have a penchant for rose petals and lollipops (which is what all perfume smells like). But if you think of selling for what it really is—facilitating a mutual exchange of pleasure—then selling becomes less


Just The Tip: This Tool For Selling Your Stuff Online WINS. (Breasts Down.)

IN: Just The Tip, Selling

There are few things in this world that I really looooove. Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer certainly makes the cut. (I swear it’s the reason why I’m in my thirties and don’t have a single eye wrinkle. A single one. I swear. It’s WEIRD. Am I an alien? I must be an alien. Comeee anddd gettt meeee, Willlll Smithhh.) This bo pretty much makes me want to shout from the rooftops to never force yourself to answer another e again. (Seriously. How much


Do Your Customers Want to You to Shut Up—Or Keep Talking?

IN: Selling

Last week we talked about how cliché, overused, threadbare language triggers people to stop listening to you. Bottom : If your customer’s brain thinks it can predict what you’re about to say, it’ll stop listening in an effort to be efficient. And that’s a big problem, because you can’t sell to people who aren’t listening. It’d be like walking up to a bunch of dudes watching the Superbowl going, “So! Who wants to know about my new SERVICE OFFERING?” Your chance


Just The Tip: Are You Selling The Wrong Thing?

IN: Selling

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been guilty of making a list of “what’s included” that los like this: Modules! PDFs! Videos! Audios of the Videos! Transcripts of the Audios of the Videos! Commentary on the transcripts of the Audios of the Videos! A revolutionary new—drum roll— Group! AND THERE’S MORE! Buy now and you’ll even get this Super Duper Industrial-Sized Egg Beater absolutely FREE!* Reel it in, Billy Mays. Nobody ever bought a bottle of Grey Goose because:


STOP Giving Away Free Consults. I Beg You.

IN: Selling

“Nobody ever paid top dollar for a cheap imitation. Don’t let somebody else’s business move dictate yours.” I wrote that in our TMF page yesterday. Here’s why: Keep in mind that the people you’re watching are winging their next move just as much as you. Yet, so many new business owners who are fighting tooth and claw to make a name for themselves on, in particular, are being quietly indoctrinated into a school of sameness by one or two or


You are not anyone’s only option. (…So now what?)

IN: Selling

We made out for hours that night. College kids stepped clumsily around us, spilling their beer as much as their morals. It was an era of chunky blonde highlights and boot cut jeans, tanning beds and lacy little lingerie tops from Express. My favorite was champagne & cream colored. I had it on that night. Because, as any college girl knows, all it takes to get attention is a nice ass and, well, lacy little lingerie tops from Express. But


Lots of Inquiries But No Sales? Help Is Here.

IN: Selling

I get two questions all of the time: 1. How do I convert e inquiries into actual customers & clients? (Who ideally have zero credit card limit and maybe even a mullet because wouldn’t that be fun?) 2. How do you manage to stay loing so young? Obviously no one really ever asks me the second question, so let’s focus on question number one: How do you get of those “just exploring my options” inquirers to pull the


Don’t Beg for Business. Command It.

IN: Selling

Bring me to your granny’s birthday party, and I’m sweet as a lemon square. (My favorite.) Bring me to meet the parents, and I’ll bust out the pearls. Bring me anywhere, and you’ll get sweet, demure Ashley. But bring me to a board room? And it’s shark time. If you’re like most people, the mere thought of pitching ideas, speaking in front of a room, or asking for the sale is nauseating. But for some sick, alien-like creatures like myself…it’s


Schmooze or Lose: Because It’s Important for Business, AND It Rhymes

IN: Selling

People. They’re a curious breed. But they’re a (really) necessary part of your business. And your success. And your 80th birthday party, because who wants to go to an 80th birthday party with no attendees? Not me. As it turns out, learning how to talk to them (all people, not just the 80 year old crowd) is one of the most important skills anyone–you, me, Superman and anyone public speaking alongside Obama–could ever learn. (If you’re speaking next to Obama, first,


How to Cold Call Prospects Without Sounding Like a Tool

IN: Selling

For those of you who don’t know, in a former life I used to sell advertising for an international and on magazine. Think pencil skirts, a lot of telephone schmoozing, deal negotiations, contracts, national sales conferences and convincing a lot of fucking people they should give me thousands of dollars. You can imagine the fun I had with this. Particularly the day a prospective client named Lenny insisted we drink Long Island Ice Teas to talk business, and then


Don’t Work Your Way Into Your Client’s Heart; Shoplift That Shit.

IN: Selling

A Brazilian spontaneously kissed me on the mouth last night. I’ve decided I like it when this happens. That’s not to say this happens frequently, but, it probably should. After all, back in my college days I may or may not have been nicknamed make out bandit; infamous for swindling hazy, Budweiser-soaked kisses alongside a dingy old refrigerator, shoplifting men’s hearts and holding them ransom, stealthily making my escape before anything could get too…couple-ish. Maybe it lasted a week. Maybe


Trailer Trash & Sex Appeal: The Trick to Selling MORE

IN: Selling

To anyone and everyone selling something: Pay attention. The other day, I was having a conversation with a copywriting client who is building a business around teaching people how feel all sorts of hot and dynamite by eating raw. I said, “You mean like Crazy Sexy Diet?” And she said, “What’s that?” And I said, “Holy mother of vodka, you’ve never heard of Crazy Sexy Diet?” And she said, “No, Ash.” And I said, “But, really?” And she said, “Stop


Key to Money-Makin’ Bliss: Don’t Just Sell Your Stuff. STRUT Your Stuff.

IN: Selling

We need to talk. (Did you just cringe a little?) Don’t worry. I’m not breaking up with you. What we need to talk about are your selling strategies. One of them in particular. The one where you kind of just throw something up for sale and hope like hell someone buys it. (We’ve all been there, but you can’t stay there.)– Scenario 1 ::  You decide to create a new service that you’re really excited about offering to the world,