Do Your Customers Want to You to Shut Up—Or Keep Talking?

IN: Selling

Last week we talked about how cliché, overused, threadbare language triggers people to stop listening to you.

Bottom line: If your customer’s brain thinks it can predict what you’re about to say, it’ll stop listening in an effort to be efficient. And that’s a big problem, because you can’t sell to people who aren’t listening. It’d be like walking up to a bunch of dudes watching the Superbowl going, “So! Who wants to know about my new SERVICE OFFERING?” Your chance of getting heard would be left side of never—right after someone rockets a hot wing at your head before going back to scratching their armpits.

Basically every time you write anything and think, “Whatever, it doesn’t really matter, they’ll get the point,” I want you to picture your customers physically rocketing a hot wing at your head before going back to scratching their armpits. Because I guarantee you they’d rather do that than listen to whatever you’re saying. And by the way? That doesn’t just apply to your copywriting and your marketing; it applies to your in-person interactions as well.

Words are everything.

Here are just a few examples of companies I’ve spotted around the web recently who aren’t just asking for the sale; they’re actively working for it by respecting their customers’ attention spans and making sure even the tiny details make BIG statements.

And not just about who they are—but, more importantly, who their customers are.

It’s the only thing any customer actually cares about.