I’m a pretty laid back gal.
One time, Steve Patterson spit in my face in the 9th grade, and even then I wasn’t overly upset about it. (Come to think of it, what the hell?)
But, like any human being, I have buttons.
The most obvious is clearly when anyone mixes up “affect” and “effect,” because, you know, ONE’S A VERB AND ONE’S A NOUN.
Another thing?
This whole “I’ll shoot you an email” trend.
No no no, actually, you’re not going to shoot me an email. You’re going to send me an email. Not accepting any email shooters today. Sorry.
It’s possible that me and my new friend Chris may have just spent an entire 15 minutes bantering about that. Chris is traveling the world, and two weeks ago, he “shot” me an email when he got to Santiago, asking if I wanted to grab a terremoto.
He is currently cooking me and Kyle Hepp bacon.
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Last but not least on the Ashley Ambirge list of joy this morning?
This whole idea that the more you fear something, the more you should do it. “It’s an indicator that you’re onto something good.”
No it’s fucking not.
In some cases, it’s an indicator that it’s A REALLY BAD IDEA.
There are approximately 159 better ways to make a decision. Like by doing, say, research. And actually getting educated on this big, looming thing you’re shitting your pants about. Because usually, the reason why you’re scared isn’t because your big, looming thing is scary. It’s because you don’t know enough. It’s fear of uncertainty; not fear of your big, looming thing.
And while we all know I’m the biggest supporter of jumping in head first, if you’re hesitating that much, maybe you need to reevaluate.
It’s that simple.
Because there’s a difference between moving forward despite fear, and moving forward because of fear.
Make sure that big looming thing is actually something you want.
And not just something you think you should be doing to “expand.”
Would you have a baby just because you thought it’d be a good fucking exercise?
Same thing goes for business.
And steer lassoing.
Only ever do that if you’re really, really sure.