Top 9 Ways to Deal With Business Overwhelm (So You Can Avoid Thoughts of Mass Murder)

IN: Marketing

I’m pretty sure that when Def Leppard wrote the lyrics to, “Love Bites,” he really meant to say “stress.” At least when you’re in , you get all sorts of feel good chemical effects. When you’re stressed, all you get is a hearty dose of cortisol and an unsightly beer gut. Not cute. Unfortunately,as entrepreneurs and small business owners, stress sort of comes with the job description. Position available. Must be willing to work weekends and countless hours of overtime


Cut The Fat.

IN: Marketing

Cut the fat. Give yourself the white space you need in order to grow. And… …pursue what you’re really here to pursue. Hint: It’s probably the one thing on your to-do list that doesn’t have any guiines, instructions, paths to follow or tried and true ways of doing it. And that’s exactly why you’re procrastinating it.

How Dating Chilean Men Can Help You Succeed In Business. Kind of. And Why Bloody Noses Are Not Okay, Which Is Not Related to The Story At All, But You Should Read About It, Anyway.

IN: Marketing

So the other day there was a guy. Isn’t there always a guy? Anyway, the other day there was a guy, and I may or may not have been kissing said guy. Said guy is so attractive, that I’m almost nervous to be kissing him, because, as we all know, when you’re kissing really attractive people, you’re thinking to yourself: Enough tongue? Too much tongue? How can I spice this up? If I spice it up, he’ll think I’m a


Entrepreneurs + Marriage: Possible? Or Possibly Hopeless?

IN: Business 101

Marriage scares the *#$^!&*(±*@&%^$*#@(±!!)!)!%&@# out of me. As a matter of fact, it scares me so much, there should really be some of these in there: ¡¿¡¿ (For once, buying my Macbo in South America, and having the corresponding Spanish keyboard, paid off. Lo at that sexy upside down punctuation! You like them papayas? Do ya? I’m pretty sure I learned how to parallel park faster than I learned how to navigate this keyboard, just for the record.) It’s not marriage


Ditch The Blankie, Grab A Set of Balls + Get Your Life Back on Track

IN: Marketing

So, I’ve got a proposition for you. Unfortunately, it does not involve fishnets, vodka, or smeared black eye makeup, and while we’re at it, I should mention it definitely doesn’t involve any of this bleepity bleep bleep bullshit either. Nor will it ever, unless, well…there’s pretty much no exceptions. Though I am rather fond of the idea of being called, “master,” or better yet, “mastress.” Which actually sounds a lot like mattress, so, nevermind. The proposition is as follows. Would you rather:


Screw Being Your Own Boss

IN: Business 101

“I started my own business so I could be my own boss!”  Meh meh meh meh meh!  *high-pitched little girl’s voice* No, you didn’t. You might think you did, but you definitely didn’t. Want to know why? Because being your own boss is infinitely harder than having a boss. And by infinitely (which, by the way, is a pain in the ass to spell), I mean 17,929,531.9045 times harder. Yes, that’s exact math. Although I suppose it’s than that, since we’re


How to Get Clear on Your Target Market–And Never Have to Hunt for Your Next Gig Again

IN: Marketing

So, remember the last post, when I went on a lengthy spiel about fallen fathers and rainbow sprinkles and the reason why it’s madly, wildly essential to have a specific target audience in mind, so you can understand how to best market yourself (read: connect) to that target audience? (And experience all sorts of juicy outcomes, including mo’ money and mo’ glow?) Well in this post, we’re going to talk about figuring out who this so-called “target audience” of yours


How The Fine Art of Turkey Calling Can Score You More Clients + Customers

IN: Marketing

When I was in 8th grade, my dad died of cancer. Growing up, he and I did everything together. My mom was always the nervous, worried one, but my dad? He was the strong, bold, carefree one. We were pals than anything. Almost every night during the summertime, he’d take me up the road to Randall’s Ice Cream Ranch, where we’d order two medium twists, one plain, one with rainbow sprinkles. We’d then sit in our Jeep, methodically licking the cones


Get More Clients + Customers: The One Step You Absolutely, Under No Circumstance, Aren’t Allowed to Skip. Rahr.

IN: Marketing

Remember Monday’s riveting post where I swore less than usual, pretended to be a drunken Spanish sailor and emphasized the importance of getting clients and customers in the door? If you don’t, Ginkgo Biloba comes highly recommended. By herbalists, not me. I tried that shit once and it did absolutely nothing to help me remember my one night stands. Go figure. So, jew wanna get di clients and di customares, eh? (Fake Italian accent inspired by the one and only


How to Get More Clients and Stop Sucking at Business. And at Baseball. Maybe.

IN: Marketing

If you haven’t noticed, or you were exiled to Mars, or held hostage by an army of Swedish monks, or hiding out in a nest in Italy for the past couple of years (go team!), I talk about on business a lot.  It’s what I do. It’s what lights me up inside. It’s how I’m making my big, splashy crimson mark on the world. But, I don’t do it all for the of the game. I do it


The One They Don’t Tell You About Working Online. Bad Words Included. Shh.

IN: Marketing

I’m in an airport. Paris’ Orly airport, to be exact, and while I keep trying to write this post, I keep getting distracted by the giant baguette to my right – I can’t even finish a sentence without stopping to take a bite of this shit. It’s that good. A hoard of red-lipped French women lo at me with disdain, probably calling me countless synonyms for the word “pig” in their heads, while I’m over here continually tempted to yank


When You Feel Like You Could Collapse + A Personal Favor

IN: Life

It’s the weekend. And being the weekend, I have an unconventional post for you. We’re entrepreneurs, right? And we’re all fighting hard to make our dreams come true, right? (Shut up, even though it sounds corny, it’s true and you damn well know it.) And sometimes it gets really fucking hard, right? Nevermind. I’ll get straight to the point. I have a friend in Chile. Someone I respect tons. Someone that I want to see succeed. He’s a Latin R&B


Paris, Wankers + Marketing for Local Business Owners

IN: Marketing

So, I’m on a plane. I may or may not be drinking French wine from a miniature bottle that could really be bigger for seven dollars, but I mean, who’s really measuring? Don’t judge. I figure that between having never tried cigarettes, and having stuck up for the nerdy girl that one time in the 5th grade, I’ve earned it. I deserve this bottle of wine in all its little man syndrome glory. (I also propose that I deserve indulgent


A Meditation on Being a Jackass

IN: Life

You know what really sucks? When you pack your toothpaste in your luggage, later to find that it has squirted all over your $300 sequined cocktail dress. Bad day comin’ at ya, right there. You know what else really sucks? When you crack an egg into a pan, trying to be all chef-like, and the yolk breaks. Like, really yolk? Really? You’re going to do this to me at 7am? Or how about those idiots checking out at the supermarket,


Being Fat, Getting Robbed + Some Shit You Won’t Want to Miss

IN: Marketing

So, it’s been brought to my attention that, apparently I’m a loud mouth. You see, my girlfriends and I are taking private salsa + bachata lessons 3 times per week, and in order to see where we’re royally screwing up, we got the bright idea to videotape ourselves. Three things have come out of this: The acute awareness that, jesus christ, my arms are way fatter than I thought they were. Thank you, artesian beer + severe lack of willpower.


25 Ways the F-word Can Help Your Business THRIVE

IN: Marketing

I came across this poster over at The Donut Project, and instantly knew this was something I had to share. You d it, right? That’s what I thought. My personal favorite is, “Make me fucking care,” which is probably the best piece of marketing advice I could ever offer. Think about it. Then do something about it. Ballers gotta ball, baby. Which is basically a euphemism for IF YOU WANT RESULTS YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY TRY TO GET THEM. Profound,


A Non-Cheesy Approach to Trusting Yourself More + Sucking Less

IN: Marketing

If I could identify one statement that you’re bound to roll your eyes at, it’s “Trust yourself.”– Because here’s the thing: Most of us, including myself at times, don’t know how to trust ourselves. We see that advice, and automatically file it away into the “cheesy, fluffy, woo-woo” category, the same as we might, “Just be yourself.” It’s all so intangible, impractical, vague, unspecific, and hard to take action on. But there’s a reason why you hear it so much, especially


If You Had One Shot…Would You Capture It, Or Let It Slip?

IN: Business 101

Hand holding. It’s a beautiful thing. Especially when the hand that you’re holding is tall, dark and Mediterranean. But sometimes, other forms of hand holding is just as…tingly. Like when you’re in the early stages of business brainstorming, or getting your business launched, and you need someone to: a) Kick your ass b) Hold you accountable c) Just tell you what the fuck you need to do d) So you can do it e) And everybody goes home happy Based


Part II: The X-Rated Guide to Doing Everything Wrong, and Still Getting It Right

IN: Marketing

Brace yourself. I’m about to do the on equivalent of Jackie Chan leaping over a dumpster before round house kicking a 50 year old masked man right in the schnoz. In high heels. And pearls. And maybe a mini-skirt, if spectators are lucky. You can take that as a warning, and kindly X out now, or you can take it as encouragement to keep on reading. (Clearly I’m bluffing. If you X out now, I will totally judge you. And


The X-Rated Guide to Developing a Marketing Plan. Without Losing Your Mind. Or Your Shirt. Cuz That’d Be Awkward.

IN: Marketing

So. Today we’re going to talk marketing. Some of the most common things I get are:– I have no idea what my unique value proposition is I can’t figure out why anyone would listen to me I am clueless as to what it even means to “market myself effectively.”- Before we get into this, we need to talk about what marketing is really used for, and why you gotta dig in and get ‘er done.– In order to do that, I’d


The Definitive, Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Off Your Butt, Finding Some Focus, And Jump-Starting Your Biz…So You Can Stop Feeling Like an Procrastinating Asshole (And Start Making Some Cashola)

IN: Marketing

Sometimes I make bad decisions. The time I decided to consume alcohol while on a date while ON CRUTCHES  was one of those times. (Thanks for not even trying to catch me as my metal crutches went flying, Bob, you scumbag.)– But then there are other times, when my decision-making skills operate at peak performance. Like the time I went on a man-vacation, and vowed not to date for a year, so I could focus entirely on me and my


Fear, Not – Fear, Exposed Will Be Back. (Says the Series In Its Best Arnold Impersonation)

IN: Marketing

Dear You, Hi. It’s Monday. Typically on Mondays, you get to hang with a sassy new segment of Fear, Exposed. But because I’m semi-evil. And because I take pleasure in mystery. (Be glad you’re not dating me.) I’m suspending the series. Stay tuned to find out WHY. (Or don’t, but I must warn you that you’ll miss out on my bad jes, frequent F-bombs, and overuse of the word “baby.”  Not like child baby, but like, “Oh hell yeah, baby!”


Blow Dryers, Mobile Homes + When to Shut Your Fucking Macbook, Already

IN: Life

I was pissed. It was 1998. I was 14. I had just put the finishing touches on my 90’s style bangs, sculpting and spraying them into the perfect 360 degree fan – you remember the kind where the top half curls backward, and the bottom half forward, right? (If you say no, that means you’re younger than me. First of all, fuck you, and second of all, stop driving behind me while loing at your crotch while texting the guy


The Secret to Client Attraction – Grey Goose Vodka, Baby.

IN: Marketing

When I say the words, “Grey Goose,” what automatically comes to mind? a) Purple fairies b) Your high school prom date c) Roseanne Barr d) Vodka As much as I’d it if the answer were C, you probably picked D, vodka. Congratulations, you are correct. Whether prompted or not, most everyone who sees the words “Grey Goose,” will automatically think, “vodka.” Unless they’re twelve. Or Amish. The reason for that is pretty obvious.  You ready? It’s because GREY GOOSE


Dirty Confessions of an Entrepreneur: What I Never Told You

IN: Business 101

I have a confession to make. Not about the time I was a cold, unfeeling bitch. Or the time I fell in uncontrollably in with an illegal Mexican immigrant who lied to me for 7 months about his real name. Nor about the time I mixed oatmeal and hot sauce and secretly liked it. (Just kidding–what kind of a sicko would actually do that?)– No, no. This confession has to do with my business.  And with you.  In a


Making Money As an Act of Philanthrophy

IN: Marketing

Because quotes are sexy. And so is money that feels good to make. BE SOMEBODY. “You want to be rich in order that you may eat, drink, and be merry when it is time to do these things; in order that you may surround yourself with beautiful things, see distant lands, feed your mind, and develop your intellect; in order that you may men and do kind things, and be able to play a good part in helping the


Entrepreneurs: Show Me Your (Black Lace) Thong & Tell Your Story Like You Mean It

IN: Business 101, Confidence

I have many beliefs. Like black lace, for one. Or a perfectly timed comeback. Or that no matter where I am in the world, coffee will always taste better through a straw. (I’m even incd to call this fact than belief.) You know, the important stuff in life. But there’s one belief in particular, one belief that has served to inform every aspect of my life, from dawn until dusk, til death do us PART. (Likely the only time