The dead horse of the decade is the target customer.
You’re asked to create personas. Put yourself in their shoes bras. Get inside their head. Imagine what’s keeping them up at 3 o’clock in the morning. (For the record, it’s that their ass is getting fat and they totally forgot to make cookies for their kid’s bake sale.)
So there you went, thinking about everything from the target customer’s perspective. What will they want? What will they think? What will they buy? What price point will be attractive? What will make them do goddamn GYMNASTICS around their living room?
And of course this isn’t just valuable, but necessary. You can’t sell lingerie to a nun by playing up the sex symbol angle; but you could sell lingerie to a nun by playing up the idea of God-given femininity. Same product, two very different approaches.
BUT, I say.
While your approach to what you’re selling is monumentally important, it’s also important to not forget about your appetite.
You don’t have to do everything just because you think your target customer wants it. Business is about doing what *you* want, too.
What are you hungry to make? Where’s your appetite leading you?
Hate the idea of being drained by a Facebook group…but think everybody “expects” one? Stop ignoring *your* needs in this deal.
Debating including a 1:1 coaching option to justify your price point…but your inner introvert is screaming, “NOOOO, for the love of god!” Listen to your inner introvert.
Feeling the pressure to build a team, and make fancy professional videos, and start a blog (or a podcast!), and write a book, and, and, AND, ANNNDDDDDDDDDDD! Deep breath—nobody needs that from you.
What they need is for you to pick the thing you do best, and that you love doing the most, and do that. And only that. And become the #1 thing at that. And to blow everybody out of the water at THAT.
You wanna give the world a gift? Then give it. But do not tarnish it by throwing a bunch of dollar store toys in the box, too, just because everybody else is throwing dollar store toys into their box.
This is your business, and you call the shots.
It CAN be about how you feel.
And no matter what, remember this: An offer is simply that—an offer. It can contain a Facebook group or not, a 1:1 coaching option or not, and fancy videos…or not. It doesn’t matter. The offer is the offer, and the world can choose to take it, or decline. It’s not up to you. Once you make the offer, what they decide to think about it is none of your business.
So take the pressure off yourself to be everything to everyone. Make the offer you really want to make. And then shove it off into the world, and let that be that.
Your target customer might not get a Facebook group, but they’ll get something better: